Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Boudh



The Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Boudh looks after the general administration of Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS) functioning in Boudh District under Department of Cooperation, Govt of Odisha. Fouty Six (46) number of PACS are functioning in Boudh District.



The following are the main objectives of PACS for upliftment of the socio-economic condition of the farmer members as well as general public.


  1. Promotes saving habits
  2. Supplies Agricultural inputs
  3. Strengthens the capacity, affiances and effectiveness
  4. Improves the overall state of  Agriculture by providing short term and medium term
  5. Uplift rural communities
  6. Promotes inclusive economic growth
  7. Contribute to poverty reduction
  8. Contribute to food security
  9. Contribute to sustainable development
  10. Supplies seeds and fertilizer to members through subsidised rates
  11. Operates paddy procurements. The PACS procures paddy on the commission agent of OSCSC
  12. To promotes economic interest
  13. To provide Short- term and ,medium term loans



This office is created to administer and supervise the work of the Primary Cooperative Societies; as follows

i)          Over and above supervise the functioning of the PACS and other Cooperative Societies

ii)         ARCS perform Quasi judiciary works and settles Disputes of PACS

iii)        ARCS takes up Execution Proceedings to recover the assets of the Primary Cooperative Societies.


Basic Info:


  1. Number of PACS:                                           46
  2. Number of Cotton Grower’s C.S.=                  04
  3. Number of Woman Cooperatives Societies  =01
  4. Number of Employees Cooperative Societies=01
  5. Number of Branches of BCCB                      =04
Departments Category